May 2021 Vault Report

In This Issue:
- message from the CEO
- 7k regional salt lake city
- coins you may have missed
- congratulations Miles Standish
- rankups

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- Type "7k" into the body of the message.
- Hit send and wait for an auto reply welcoming you.
- Make sure to be quick the messages come in to take advantage of Coin Drops!
Please note: normal rates based on your individual plan may apply but no additional international costs will be incurred

Roman Empire Series
Coin #2 of 7k's Exclusive Roman Empire Series dropped this month! It's Brutuuuuuus! Naturally, we released Brutus right after Julius Caesar, as their lives were so closely intertwined. The assassin Brutus didn't merit his face on the coin however, instead his coin features the murder weapons and an engraving representing the "Ides of March". Don't blame us, though. This coin is an antiqued, solid silver replica of the actual Roman coin from history. Scan the QR code on this page to find out more about how we're making history with this series:

Building Your Legacy
We just experienced the most successful year in company history and 2021 is set for more record-breaking growth! We are thrilled to see so many families prospering because the value of a 7k membership. The more members share the value of the membership, the more excitement and hope they create! 2021 has just begun, and we anticipate that more and more families will find how a 7k membership can truly bless the lives of others. This is so exciting to me! The message of buying real collectable assets and having the potential to grow a sustainable business with real customers is the key to success. Thousands of members are excited every month as they open packages sent directly to their doorsteps with private label
Silver Eagle series coins, the 7k minted Animal State series coins, or one of hundreds of specialty Coin Drop one-of-a-kind coins hand select for 7k members. This is the foundation of our business and we are just getting started.
Over the last year, thousands of members’ lives were changed as they built a 7k
business. It was amazing to watch how many of our top businesses were determined to reach their goals. Their determination was evident in their daily activities—they hardly ever let a day go by when they were not focused on income producing activities. They were alive! They made life happen! They believed in themselves, and when they failed, they didn’t stay down, they got back up and tried again. They learned from their failures. When they experienced failure, rather than becoming discouraged, they saw value in the experience. They used those lessons to move them one step closer to reaching their dreams. This is a road map on building your legacy company! A company built with real customers, with business associates that understand the business, and in turn building a business that will be sustained over the years to come.
On the other hand, there are others who are less determined, who get excited about
their goals at first, but then let their intensity slack off. Maybe they never wrote down their goals. Maybe they realized just how hard it would be to have success at 7k. Maybe they had a life event distract them, or they faced unexpected challenges.
No matter what challenges or successes you experienced this past year, we can start this year with a sense of accomplishment and resolve to reach further. That’s the beauty about 7k! The best time to start experiencing success is NOW! It is time for new goals to be realized, a new focus to be established, and a stronger resolve take this message to the world.
It’s wonderful to think that 2021 has already started with more momentum and
excitement than last year, and we can make it the best ever! The first step in making 2021 the best year you’ve ever had is setting and writing down your goals. If it has been a while since you sat down and wrote out what is important for you to accomplish in life, I suggest you go through that process. Those who just kind of wish about their goals but never write them down don’t seem to end up in the same place as those who write them down. It has something to do with making a specific promise to yourself. If you do not make a record of your goals, they are
much more likely to end up only as wishes, which are easily forgotten over time.
I do not fully understand all the reasons why some people take the time to establish specific written goals and others do not. What is clear is that those with clearly established goals end up at a totally different place than those without written goals. Once you’ve written down your goals, build an action plan to reach that goal. 7k has established a way for anyone who has a goal of a better life to achieve that goal. We are helping thousands see success that might not have had success in the past! Yes, anyone can have success! 7k puts success within
the grasp of anyone who truly wants it. The 7k Wealth System app is a great tool to support you in building your business. Your 7k Training center will teach you about the products and business. We do not pretend to know what your goals ought to be, but whatever they are, we want to help you reach them through the many tools that we provide.
7 Life Lesson to Live By:
- Smile- It always works out in the end!
- Be Kind- You have the power to make people feel good!
- Don’t Give Up- If it doesn’t work the first time, find another way!
- Don’t Compare- Everyone’s on a different journey!
- Avoid Negativity- Avoid negative thoughts, situations, and people!
- Make Peace with Your Past- Focus on being present & creating a better future!
- Take Care of your Body & Mind- One struggles to survive without the other!
Life is all about choices! Goals can help to direct your daily choices if you let them. You must read them daily and have a strong resolve to reach them. Don’t let life get in the way of you reaching your goals and making your dreams a reality. Rome was not built in a day so don’t give up at the first sign of failure.
7k is building a business that will last generations. We are so excited about our future and we are honored that you have chosen to take this journey with us.
We believe in You,

7k Regional 2021
May 14th & 15th, 2021
Salt Lake City
Expand your vision, empower your goals

Five-Time Champ in SLC
Dallas Seavey
Did you see this? Dallas Seavey, a five-time Iditarod champion, will be the keynote speaker in Salt Lake City!
Dallas is the youngest-ever to compete in the 1,000-mile Alaskan race at age 18 and the youngest to win the race at age 25!
You can't trek 1,000 miles faster than anyone else in the world five times over and not learn a few lessons--that's why we picked Dallas to join us for the biggest event in 7k history!
Grab your ticket at the door for $199

Some Coins You May Have Missed!
Check out these world-class coins that members added to their collections recently! Congratulations if you were able to get one!
- Star Wars 1 kilo Death Star
- 2017 Snow Leopard
- 2018 Albert Bishop of Riga
- 2020 The Witcher Sword of Destiny
- Roman Empire Series - Brutus
Are You Ready for the next coin drop?!

Congratulations to Miles Standish!