‘Sound Money, Sound Principles: the Believers’ Founder Podcast

‘Sound Money, Sound Principles: the Believers’ Founder Podcast

podcast May 1, 2024

7k is growing. That’s an awesome fact. We are thrilled that the message is getting out and helping more people! That was what it was intended to do.

There’s just one thing we always need to remember, though. That is to stick to our roots. This company was founded on important guiding principles (as we discussed in last month’s April issue of the Vault Report in ‘The Why of 7k’). And even as we grow, we want to make sure that each person joining us knows and embodies those principles when they talk about and share 7k with others. Because the only way we can create a legacy company that can influence and better the lives of generations to come is if we hold tight to our foundational promise to help people.

‘Sound Money, Sound Principles: the Believers’ with Founders Zach Davis and Josh Anderson

That’s why Founders Zach Davis and Josh Anderson have begun hosting a new podcast called ‘Sound Money, Sound Principles: the Believers’ to discuss the business principles and philosophies of successful entrepreneurial ventures, the power of precious metals, and to keep their promise to develop the next generation of leaders, teachers, and entrepreneurs.

Gang, these men are busy. For those of you who might not know, both Zach and Josh are self-made, widely successful businessmen who have jointly started over one hundred businesses in every sector imaginable. Their advice and time are in high demand from organizations, universities, and groups nationwide. And they are putting aside a weekly window to speak to you, their 7k Fam, not only to impart their invaluable wisdom and experience, but to ensure that each one of you can get to know them on a personal level, in their own words, and come to trust that they truly have your best interests at heart. How incredible is that?

In the past couple of months alone both of these guys have been approached by different successful business owners and investors who have offered cash to own or purchase services like the soundmoney® wallet. Each time, the Founders say no. Why? Because they aren’t finished honing these services into the perfect tools to provide the most help to the most people. In the words of the Founders, ‘If we sold to the highest bidder, they would only keep the parts of soundmoney® that make them the most money. We aren’t in it for that. We want to help the most amount of people. It isn’t just about building to sell, it’s about building something that lasts and blesses peoples’ lives.”

Remember and Return to our Roots

As Zach Davis says, “As companies get bigger, new ideas and fresh ideas get introduced—which is awesome—but sometimes the core mission and principles can get diluted or even lost. The story that people initially came and stayed for doesn’t get told anymore. When questions and objections used to come up, we could address them personally. So this podcast is a way for us to return to 7k’s original message, and to solidify what’s important to us as Founders.”

It’s so important to 7k’s Founders that all of you get a chance to hear their stories, understand their ‘whys’, and become familiar with who they are as people, leaders, and teachers that they’re willing to carve out time to speak with you every week. We hope you all can return the favor and take the time out of your own busy schedules—because we know you all have your own lives, stories, and successes to tend to—and watch the podcast to learn from these fine gentlemen. As it goes on, they have plans to invite some very exciting figures on the show, people you will not want to miss a chance to hear speak! So watch your emails and our FaceBook Exclusive group for the links to their most recent episodes. Pretty soon they’ll be up on more platforms and we’ll keep you in the loop about where to find them.

Listen wherever you get your podcasts. Available now.


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