July 2021 7k Vault Report

Happy 4th of July Independence Day
From 7k

Page 3: Franklin, An American Life
Page 4: Associate Training from Zach Davis
Page 7: Collection Spotlight Member "Stacks"
Page 9: #Rankups May 15th - June 15th
Page 17: Founders Lifestyle Getaway Winners
Page 18: Introducing Salmon River Lodge

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Here Are Some Coin Drops You May Have Missed
- Roman Series Romulus and Remus
- American Grizzly
- Voyagers Thirst for Discovery
- Hand of Hamsa

Franklin, The Writer
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”?
How about, “Haste makes waste”?
Or “Fish and visitors stink in 3 days”?
Surely you’ve heard these familiar sayings. Maybe you’ve even said one of them yourself?
If so, you have the mind and writings of Benjamin Franklin to thank. And those are just three of many, many common sayings that have woven themselves into the fabric of the American vernacular thanks to the writings of one of our most prolific Founding Fathers.
As a writer, Old Ben, left behind a wealth of wisdom, humor, and inspiration that have blessed the world for generations. His wise admonitions in Poor Richard’s Almanack have become almost Biblical in their usage.
Think the phrase “God helps them that help themselves” is from the Bible?
Benjamin Franklin wrote that.
And we of course can’t overlook his contributions to our founding documents. Perhaps Benjamin Franklin’s crowning achievement as a writer is in his input to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Introducing the first in a brand new series of ½ ounce silver coins designed by Miles Standish, and celebrating the many roles of Benjamin Franklin.
The Writer.
An American Icon...
An American Hero...
Only from 7k

"When You Take The Time It Takes, It Takes Less Time"
Those were the words that fell from the lips of a tall, dark-haired, dirty old cowboy as he sat gazing in the distance from atop his horse.
It was a hot, muggy day in the sandhills of Nebraska, and the men were worn out from days on end of gathering and banding calves. This was the last bunch, and we had just scattered them from heck to breakfast!
We rode the range all morning, gathering the small herd of about 500 pairs into a corner of the fence that led to a make-shift holding pen where we would work the calves. In an attempt to speed things up, a couple of cowboys from the neighboring ranch started hooping and hollering and pushing the cows too hard. Everyone else joined in. Instead of going through the gate, the cows turned back under the pressure and started scattering everywhere.
The day was a total loss… Except for the valuable lesson the old cowboy taught me that day. You see, if we had just slowed down and let the lead cow find the gate, she would have eventually wandered through, and the rest of the herd would have been right behind her. If we had taken the time it takes, it would have taken less time.
I can't count how many times I have tried to hurry in my life, and it ended up costing me more time in the long run. You can probably recall times of your own.
Sometimes we see others achieving great things and can't figure out how they did it so fast. We become frustrated with our own efforts and start looking for shortcuts or pushing ourselves and others on our team too hard or in the wrong direction. It ultimately leads to chaos and more frustration.
We only see others' results and not the days, months, or years of work and effort that produced those results. Be patient with yourself. Put in the time and the work that is required. The only thing that comes without work is a sense of entitlement, and that won't get you very far. Remember, you're not entitled to success; you're only entitled to an opportunity.
Whether you're building a business or collecting coins, take the time it takes. I promise you it will take less time if you do it the right way. I have seen it over and over in my life. You are probably doing better than you think you are, so be patient with yourself.
We all have to put in the work. There is no magical pixie dust that can transfer one man's hard-earned success to another. If it is to last, it all must be earned by the individual.
"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was."
― Abraham Lincoln
You are worthy of your dreams and aspirations. So keep fighting and moving forward. Even if it's only "brick by brick." Take the time it takes, and it will take less time. We are cheering you on and fighting with you. Thank you for your belief in us, and believe me when I say: WE BELIEVE IN YOU!
Zach Davis

Stacks on Stacks on Stacks
Check out these collections!
We know that "stacking" is generally referring to buying generic gold and silver, but we are changing the game. Congratulations to these 7k members who have a great headstart on stacking for their future!

Salmon River Lodge
Question: would you have joined Lewis and Clark on their journey across North America using ONLY WATERWAYS? Let's be honest, you probably find yourself complaining when the WIFI on the airplane doesn't work, or your data is a little slow on the celly. Ya, us too.
The journey was treacherous, long, and life-threatening on many levels, but there is one part that is super famous called the River of no Return. It earned its name because any boat that started down the famous 200-mile section had no way of getting back because of the steep and rugged canyon walls and roaring stretch of river. The boats that went down were usually torn down and used as lumber. Lewis and Clark wrote, "foaming and roaring through rocks in every direction, so as to render the passage of anything impossible."
Almost 200 years later, the river is still only traversed back upstream by a handful of high-powered boats with skilled captains, but we have found a way to enjoy the beauty without having to journey with, or even like Lewis and Clark. Have you heard of glamping? Ya, it's more like that...
7k is the proud new owner of the iconic Salmon River Lodge that sits at the very beginning of the River of No Return.
It is the ultimate relaxing, floating, fishing, hunting, training, team-building, horseback riding, ax-throwing adventure getaway that you didn't know you needed. A true wilderness retreat that will create experiences and memories that will never fade.
Details on how to book for Summer 2022 are coming soon!

Stack & Sell
Ever wanted to buy or sell coins from other 7k members, but weren't sure how to do it securely?
Worried about the authenticity of coins you find on ebay and other sites?
Have you ever wished for a place to keep track of your coin collection?
Of course you have!
These are common issues we hear from 7k members all the time.
Here's the great news! We've partnered with a company called Stack & Sell to help solve all those problems and more!
Stack & Sell is a brand new online marketplace built with collectors in mind. It enables members to buy, sell, and catalogue their graded coin collections.
Stack & Sell is currently in open beta testing, so head over to www.stacknsell.com and sign up today.
Get ready to grow your stacks!

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