An American Life Coin Collection

An American Life Coin Collection

Introducing An American Life, a collection of coin series focused on the lives of prominent historical American figures. Each figure will be represented by a 1, 2, and 5 oz coin demonstrating their impact on the U.S., as well as 6 half-ounce coins featuring vignettes from the person's life.

An American Life Coin Collection

Introducing An American Life, a collection of coin series focused on the lives of prominent historical American figures. People who left a lasting legacy for all who came after them. Each figure will be represented by a 1, 2, and 5 oz coin demonstrating their impact on the U.S., as well as 6 half-ounce coins featuring vignettes from the person's life. This series is expected to continue for several years.

An American Icon…
An American Hero…
An American Life
A brand-new Miles Standish designed coin series…
An American Life
Only from 7k

An American Life: Benjamin Franklin Coin Series
An American Life: Benjamin Franklin Coin SeriesBenjamin Franklin Who was he? Signer of the Declaration of Independence Champion of democracy Inventor Writer Scientist Diplomat But did you know he was also an investor in precious metals? In fact, when Benjamin Franklin died he bequeathed 1,000 pou…
Series #1: SOLD OUT
An American Life: George Washington
An American Life: George WashingtonFans of the Miles Standish designed coin series, An American Life will be thrilled to see the second series release, George Washington. Building on the success of the first series release, Benjamin Franklin, this series will follow the same format. Six half-ounce…
Series #2: SOLD OUT
An American Life: Abraham Lincoln Coin Series
Railsplitter. The Emancipator. Honest Abe. Most commonly known by the name… Abraham Lincoln. From a beginning in what was once described as a “hunter’s hut not fit to be a home” to an end as a great American martyr, Abraham Lincoln lived a life of strong morals, hard work,
Series #3: Currently Selling
An American Life: Theodore Roosevelt Coin Series
Watch this page for info as the coins in this series are released. Better yet, subscribe to in the bottom right corner of this website to be notified by email when new coins are announced!
Series #4: Coming Soon!

Check back periodically as coins and additions to the series are revealed.

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