October 2020 Vault Report

In This Issue:
- company compliance
- coin highlights
- getaway 2021
- onboarding/facebook page
- associate training
- rankups

Onboarding Training
New to the company?! Learning the most effective things to do first when becoming a member of 7k is now simple! Just go to your dashboard, click on the "Go To Training" button and find "Onboarding Training" inside the training center. Go check it out!
Facebook Group
7k would like to extend the invitation to you to join our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group. We have created this exclusive group with the intent of improving communication, showing our shared visions for the future and to celebrate your successes!
Step 1: In the Facebook search bar, type "7k Exclusive".
Step 2: Click on the "GROUPS" section right under the search bar. Then, look for the "7k Exclusive" group, and click JOIN.
Step 3: After clicking on "join", a window will appear. Answer the questions.
Step 4: Click on the "SUBMIT" button and wait up to 48 hours for your approval!
OR open your camera on any smartphone and scan the QR code in the image above to take you straight to our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group page.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Customer Care at: 208.314.2587 or by email at support@7kmetals.com.

Company Compliance Insight
Wow, what an eventful few weeks, right!? Awesome coin drops, enrollments through the roof, and crazy #rankups! Congratulations on a job well done, believers!
Here at 7k we are working hard to protect your business, and to facilitate your success. This truly is an incredible thing to be a part of.
I will be making some posts on the 7k Exclusive Facebook page from time to time to help teach more about how we can protect our business. Please contact me directly with any questions or clarifications you may need via email at casey {at} 7kmetals.com. Oh, and if you aren't already a member of that awesome Facebook group, join it right now!
Our main topic today is in regards to social media--Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or any other social platform you may use on the daily. There are a few things we need to all remember. As a corporate company, we have policies and procedures in place to protect 7k, and to protect YOU and YOUR business! Social media is a great platform to reach people, but we have to do things the right way.
This morning, I wanted to refer you to our policy 4.2.2 Copyrights and Trademarks. Please be familiar with this policy. Here is a portion of the policy...
"As an independent Associate, you may use the 7k Metals name in the following matter:
Associate's Name
Independent 7k Metals Associate
Example: Alice Smith
Independent 7k Metals Associate or
Alice Smith
7k Metals Independent Associate
Associates MAY NOT use the name 7k Metals in any form in your team name, tagline, and external website name, your personal website address or extension, in an e-mail address, as a personal name, or as a nickname. Additionally, only use the phrase Independent 7k Metals Associate in your phone greeting or on your answering machine to clearly separate your independent 7k Metals business from 7k Metals, LLC. For example, you may not secure the domain name www.buy7kmetals.com, nor may you create an email address such as 7kmetalssales@hotmail.com, 7ksales@hotmail.com, 7k.teamname@hotmail.com."
Please make sure you are in compliance with this policy. If you need help making the changes please let us know. We are here to help. Compliance is critical to our long term success with this incredible company!
Casey Oswald
Corporate Compliance Officer

Some Coins You May Have Missed!
Check out these world-class coins that members added to their collections recently! Congratulations if you were able to get one!
- 2021 Mighty Ox
- 2014 Interconnection Beaver
- 2018 Emperor Penguin
- 2015 Shades of Nature Butterfly
- 2020 Tiffany Safavid
Make sure you join the FB Exclusive Group, opt in to text updates and join us on Corporate Update Calls so you don't miss future coins!

Associate Training
The Russian Roulette Wheel of Leadership
As the founders and executive team sit around the conference table discussing the future of 7k and what initiatives we want to put as the forefront--it amazes me how bright the future looks! What amazes me even more, though, is how the flow of conversation goes, how ideas come about and, how the role of "the leader" changes, and how the ideas are ultimately executed.
On any given day, if everyone left the conference room except for one of us, it would be impossible for that person remaining to give ALL the contribution this company needs to move forward. The power of a team is real. As one person comes up with an idea, another grabs it and processes it even further; another starts figuring out how to solve the inherent challenges that come with each idea and how to execute it ultimately, and on and on until the idea becomes a reality. And in this process, everyone in the room becomes the leader at some point.
Now that you have formed your teams for Gold Rush Challenge 2020, make sure you are using the power of the TEAM to hit the goals you are setting for yourself. Use the person who is best at the numbers to make phone calls to the team to track progress! Load up your closer on the 3-way calls! Put your best presenter in the front of the room at your weekly Wealth Strategy meeting. As you use the team concept and treat each member as a leader, you will see everyone rise to the occasion, and confidence will grow. As confidence grows, true leaders will be formed, and the prices will start to show through the think of the process. Good luck to all of you!
We Believe In YOU!
Zach Davis

Gold Rush Challenge 2020
There is nothing like the power of the TEAM. The teams have been set, and the race has begun. Gold Rush Challenge 2020 is already proving to be one of the HOTTEST contests in company history! Prizes vary from free gold to getting an invite to the 7k getaway in Cancun, Mexico, and even getting it PAID FOR!!! Check out the dashboard of your replicated site for full details!
*To qualify to attend the 7k getaway, participation on a team in GRC2020 is not necessary. All activity during the contest period will be tracked and counted towards an invite and any promotional prizes associated with 7k getaway.

7k Testimonal
"I have been blessed with many opportunities in my life, from playing pro football to owning my own pizza joints, to working for some incredible corporate organizations. I love to compete, and I love to win--which all of those gave me an excellent arena to play in. When I became a single dad with very young children, I assessed my life and realized I needed TIME! My father was a successful man, but that meant I didn't get to see him as much as I wanted. I decided to make sure I MADE the time for my kids; that's when direct sales came into my life. It's the best descidion I could have made to compete, make the money I wanted, and still be able to give my kids the time they deserve. I have found many successes in different companies since the start of my networking journey but was to a point where retirement from the industry was looking good because I couldn't find a company where the people I was trying to help didn't get hurt. Needless to say, I am not retired, and we are going as hard as ever because having more tangible assets in gold and silver never hurt anyone! I love providing hope for people, and 7k makes it a whole lot easier."
Ron Austin
Silver Associate
West Bloomfield, MI
7k Advantage Rewards Program
Travel savings dollars gone BEAST MODE! With the upgraded 7k advantage portal, not only will you get great deals on travel like before, but now you have thousands of ways you can save on things you already do every day--another incredible member benefit taken to the next level.
*free access when on monthly Auto Saver package

Next Month's Issue...