November 2020 Vault Report

In This Issue:
- company compliance
- coin highlights
- did you know?
- onboarding/facebook page
- testimonials
- rankups

Company Compliance Insight
7k can be as successful as we want it to be. There is no ceiling on our potential, but there is a foundation. 7k's policies and procedures are being reviewed and enforced on the corporate level. I encourage each of you to be familiar with them.
Policy 4.9.1 is about Crossline Recruiting. This is a policy that is taken very seriously. Crossline Recruiting is strictly prohibited. Here is the current policy:
4.9.1 - "Crossline Recruiting Associates are prohibited from crossline recruiting. The use of a spouse or relative's name, trade names, DBAs, assumed names, entities, federal identification numbers, or fictitious identification numbers, or any other device or contrivance to circumvent this policy is prohibited. An Associate shall not demean, discredit, or defame other 7k Metals Associates in an attempt to entice another Member, Associate, or prospective Associate to become part of his or her organization."
For the purposes of this Section 4.10.1, the term "crossline recruiting" means the actual or attempted sponsorship, solicitation, enrollment, encouragement, or effort to influence in any way, either directly or indirectly, or through a third party, another 7k Metals Associate or Member to enroll, join, or otherwise participate in another 7k Metals marketing organization, downline, or line of sponsorship other than the one in which he, she or it originally enrolled."
Violation of this policy will potentially affect the outcomes of 7k challenges, rank advancements, and ultimately, membership in the company. I encourage each of you to be familiar with this policy. If you are in violation of this policy, kindly contact our customer service team and we will get you on the right track.
Please share this information with everyone you know in 7k. Leaders, please address this policy in your meetings and presentations. Let's build it fast, but let's do it right and buildt it to last.
Keep up the good work Believers, there are so many MORE exciting things coming your way soon!
Casey Oswald
Corporate Compliance Officer

Some Coins You May Have Missed!
Check out these world-class coins that members added to their collections recently! Congratulations if you were able to get one!
- 2020 Prometheus
- 2018 Alligator
- 2020 Donald Trump
Stay up to date! Text "7k" to 885-88

Did you know?
Did you know... coins, like students, can get low grades? One way collectors grade coins is on a scale of 1 through 70. The coin's grade depends on its condition--dull or shiny, worn or crisp, nicked and scratched or clean. Fortunately, there's no special grade a coin has to reach to pass the collectible test!

7k Testimonal
"As a school teacher, I have dedicated my life to helping people. I earned my undergrad degree in history and then a master's in special education to have a career that would have an impact. I love what I do, but recently God challenged me to be more and do more--to help people and have a more significant impact. To not wait for a school teachers' retirement to LIVE. Mindset and manifestation have been the two key factors for our momentum. In two months, the number of lives our team has changed is unbelievable. 7k has allowed me the freedom I have always wanted, to live life on MY terms. Even more than that, I am blessed and humbled to share the hope that 7k brings. The most incredible part is that the best is yet to come! #therunners #manifestmomentum"
Michael Tharp
Executive Gold
Greenville, MI
7k Advantage Rewards Program
Travel savings dollars gone BEAST MODE! With the upgraded 7k advantage portal, not only will you get great deals on travel like before, but now you have thousands of ways you can save on things you already do every day--another incredible member benefit taken to the next level.
*free access when on monthly Auto Saver package

Share with us!
We LOVE seeing pictures of you guys with your coins! After all, you deserve ALL the bragging rights that come when you add such amazing coins to your collections! If you want to be featured in next month's Vault Report, make sure you take a picture with your new coins (or even your current collection!) and add it to the exclusive Facebook page! :) Keep it up believers!

Join us for our LARGEST EVENT YET!
Registration is closed for live event tickets, but you can grab one at the door for $89. No worries if you can't make it to town, grab your virtual ticket for only $10! See instructions below:
- Sign into your 7k account
- Go to "Menu"
- Click on "Events"
- Go to "7k Fall Regional 2020"
- Buy your tickets!

First, THINK
Third, DREAM
And finally, DARE
-Walt Disney

Onboarding Training
New to the company?! Learning the most effective things to do first when becoming a member of 7k is now simple! Just go to your dashboard, click on the "Go To Training" button and find "Onboarding Training" inside the training center. Go check it out!
Facebook Group
7k would like to extend the invitation to you to join our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group. We have created this exclusive group with the intent of improving communication, showing our shared visions for the future and to celebrate your successes!
Step 1: In the Facebook search bar, type "7k Exclusive".
Step 2: Click on the "GROUPS" section right under the search bar. Then, look for the "7k Exclusive" group, and click JOIN.
Step 3: After clicking on "join", a window will appear. Answer the questions.
Step 4: Click on the "SUBMIT" button and wait up to 48 hours for your approval!
OR open your camera on any smartphone and scan the QR code in the image above to take you straight to our EXCLUSIVE Facebook group page.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Customer Care at: 208.314.2587 or by email at

Next Issue...