July 2022 Vault Report

"Freedom is never given, it is won!"
A. Philip Randolph
Happy Fourth of July, 7k! Financial freedom is worth celebrating and we want you to think of us as your personal wealth cheerleaders (minus the skirts and pom-poms). We've got your back, whether you need a push, a congratulations, or a reminder to just keep going, always remember: we believe in you!
1 - Coin Drop: USS Arizona & More
3 - Freedom: The Ultimate Prize
5 - Tom Holdman: Threads of Light
7 - Rank Advancements 5/15 - 6/15
14 - Holdman Highlight: 2019 St. Louis Girl
15 - 7k Health: Pet Insurance
17 - 7k Unvaulted: Coins and Stories We Love
18 - #StacksOnStacks Member Collections

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Freedom: The Ultimate Prize
Heavy. Each leg felt HEAVY. As each step got a little harder, my lungs weren't making it any easier, and my mind was in a battle—bow out early or finish what I started. I was going through a little bit of hell that day--a sacrifice of sorts, and it was more than I bargained for.
Typically on Memorial Day (a U.S. holiday for all military personnel lost in service), I enjoy a barbecue or some fun activity with the freedom that has been paid for by those military personnel the holiday was created for.
That day, I decided to do something different and join a local event that sponsors a specific workout called MURPH. A 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 squats, followed by another mile run. It is recommended that you put a 20-pound weight vest on as if the rest wasn't enough! UGH!
This MURPH workout is named after Lt Michael P Murphy. Lt Murphy was a Navy seal caught in a firefight, pinned in the cliffs of Afghanistan with three of his brothers in arms. In a spot where the comms wouldn't work to call for extraction, Murphy heroically climbed to an open ledge where he could make the call out, knowing the chances were very slim he would make it out alive. As he reached the shelf and started the communication, he took gunfire to the back, dropping the radio. Lt Murphy picked the radio up again after taking the bullet to finish the call-out. He took more gunfire that ultimately ended his life, giving his team members a better chance of surviving. He not only made the ultimate sacrifice a hero can make; he volunteered to do it so his brothers wouldn't have to.
As my legs got heavier on that last mile run and the battle to quit or keep going continued, my thoughts turned to Lt Murphy and all the other people who showed up that day. We were all there to get us closer to our health goals, but more importantly, to appreciate, through small sacrifice, him and all the others who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could have freedom.
As my mind got lost in what he and others have gone through, I not only stopped feeling sorry for myself, I found a new appreciation for what it takes to have freedom. I am not talking only about political freedom in whatever country you happen to live. It's also about the freedom we all dream of in our personal and family lives. It looks a little different for each of us--but requires the same two things:
Discipline and Sacrifice.
The irony of freedom is that to achieve it; we need to implement guardrails or a set of non-negotiables for ourselves in the areas of life where we seek that freedom.
Maybe it is consistently working on making better choices with our food for better health (freedom from avoidable disease). Perhaps it's more exercise for the same. Maybe it's more conscious spending from personal finances every month to help reduce debt faster or make more financial investments. Perhaps it's working more and watching less T.V., Or maybe it's working less on the thing that won't ever get us freedom, reducing income for a time, to work on opportunities that give you a chance at financial freedom. Maybe it's something different for you.
It has never changed since the beginning, and it never will. It always costs something to have freedom.
As I thought about Lt Murphy while finishing the voluntary bit of hell I was enduring that day, my legs lightened a little, and a new sense of determination filled my noisy, weakened mind. I not only finished but pushed with a purpose to make sure my little sacrifice wasn't in vain that day.
As you dream about the life you are building for yourself and your loved ones, remember that it can't come easy and it isn't free. Make sure you know WHY you are working towards that dream so that purpose can carry you through those inevitable "mind battles" because; work, sacrifice, discipline, and maybe even some blood, sweat, and tears will be required. Your dream can't be free, or it would taste bitter if you ever got it.
Also, remember that you aren't alone. We are with you; the 7k community is with you, and the more you push, the more help you will see fall in place to sacrifice with you to enjoy the freedom at the end.
We love you and BELIEVE IN YOU!
Freedom is just on the other side of discipline and sacrifice--embrace it.
-- Blake Davis

Light Illuminates Darkness, Uncovers Truth, And Guides The Lost.
7k is proud to present the Threads of Light gold note collection, a series that focuses attention on sources of light in its many forms throughout Holdman Studios’ Roots of Knowledge stained glass art project.
This exceptional work resides within Utah Valley University and can be viewed worldwide through an interactive website at https://www.uvu.edu/rootsofknowledge/tour/. Each of the Threads of Light gold notes feature a remarkable fragment of the Roots of Knowledge masterpiece that represents the goodness and light in humanity.
The first three gold notes to be released are: Origins, Soul, and Story. These notes (displayed right) are 7k exclusive and designed by Roots of Knowledge team creators and bear the signature of the artist himself, Tom Holdman. The Origins panel focuses on the Copernicus Solar System as an example of the origins of humanity and light in our universe. The Soul panel shows the symbolic Tree of Life to which all of humankind is connected by their soul’s roots and their entanglement during the long journey of life. The Story panel remembers how history and knowledge have been passed through time to each new generation through movement, story-telling, carvings, and paintings. These three gold notes are the beginning of a fourteen note series, each a beautiful depiction of a stained glass panel with a story to tell. We are very excited to have the chance to share them with you. Collectors should stay tuned in for the rest of the collection as it becomes available!

Holdman Highlights
Courage Panel - #51 : 2019 St. Louis Girl
On August 15, 2019, in St. Louis, Missouri, four small children were left alone in their home when a fire began that nearly claimed their lives. A passerby reported the fire when it became visible and firemen were quick to the scene. The men charged into the burning apartment and, at first glance, it seemed to be empty. The men continued to search thoroughly and found the four children, who had hidden in various places in their playroom to escape the flames. While they were all hospitalized for smoke inhalation, not one of them died. “By the grace of God,” said one of the men. Courageous are those firefighters, who save those who can’t save themselves.
To see more symbols hidden in these beautiful notes, visit: tour.rootsofhumanity.org

7k Pet Insurance
Who do we care about almost more than our kids? Our pets! Some of us really do love our fuzzballs just as much as we would if they were a blood-related member of the family. That can be what makes it scary when our pets get sick, because they can’t tell us what hurts! We’ve got to rely on our instincts and their behavior to find out what’s wrong, which can cause all sorts of stress to pet owners. That’s why 7k Health is partnering with FMA Benefits to fill a void in our Members lives that’s been ignored up until now… Pet Insurance!
TeleBark is a program which includes coverage for any pet you own, no exclusions for size, breed, or type! From your typical cat, dog, or guinea pig to parrots, horses, llamas, and lizards, the worries for your pets’ health can be eased for a flat monthly rate of $49.99 a month (that’s for all your pets, not per pet.) This includes 24/7, 365 access to a team of veterinarian telehealth specialists and a board-certified veterinarian who can assist you by: answering any and all of your common pet questions, giving tips on behavioral issues and how to avoid them, providing training techniques, discussing any health related concerns you might have about your pet, helping you make the decision of whether or not to take your pet to the ER, giving second opinions on diagnoses, and last, but not least, writing prescriptions for your pet’s needs and sending them straight to your nearest pharmacy, where you can save on those Rxs with your Pet Drug Savings Card.
We know you wanna know what that is.
The Pet Drug Savings Card is added into the cost of your monthly bill–it does NOT cost extra. This card will allow you to save up to $5 on all of your pet’s prescriptions at more than 6,000 locations. It guarantees you the very lowest price on over 20,000 FDA approved, name brand and generic medications. There are no limits or deductibles, and all ages, incomes and pre-existing conditions are allowed. Your card will show up in your account as soon as you become a Member, and once you print it, it can be used anywhere, immediately.
Yet another great feature of Telebark is access to the 25% discount at participating veterinarian offices on wellness or emergency in-house services and operations, such as: neuters and spays, vaccinations, dental cleanings, checkups, sick visits, hospitalization, X-rays, tumor removals, ligament repairs, and care for cancer, diabetes, and allergies, among others. FMA Benefits calculates that the average cost of pet vaccinations is $118. Thanks to Telebark, our Members can save $29.50 on that price. Or what about the $118.75 that we save our Members on dental cleanings and X-rays for their pets, while the average price is $475? Being a pet owner gets expensive, and we want to help you make your furry friends comfortable without breaking the bank.
Can’t resist buying your pet an excessive amount of treats or sweaters? Us either. Telebark has a program that will help you find discounts of up to 40% off on your pet necessities at over fifty online and retail stores: Goodboy, BarkBox, Beast & Buckle, and Made by Cleo, just to name a few. You’ll receive coupon codes as part of your Membership that will allow you to shop these deals, and you can opt in to be notified of new deals as they come.
PinPaws is the last brilliant addition to Telebark we want you to know about (psht, as if you weren’t in love already.) Here, all the paperwork you would ever need that contains information on your pet is gathered and stored for your convenience–everything from adoption papers to vaccinations to checkup dates and more. That means you can create a profile for your pet that includes their name and gender, emergency contacts, veterinarian, medical conditions, registration, vaccines, pet insurance information, and any other documents you’d like to add. It also includes a feature to create an easy, ready-to-go, easily printable, ‘lost poster’ of your pet, just in case of emergencies.
The icing on the cake is the app called Pinner, which comes along with your Membership. Pinner is the one-stop shop for helicopter pet parents. Using the QR code that will be secured to your pet’s collar, anyone can pull out their phone, scan it, and a notification will be sent to you via Pinner that will pull up your pet’s profile for the person who found them, and at the same time will send you a notification that shows your pet’s exact GPS location. You can be reunited with your pet in no time!
To take advantage of Pet Insurance, login to your 7k Health account and add the Telebark plan! Or if you’re not yet a Member, you can go to 7khealth.com, look under ‘Enroll Now’, and add Telebark. Simple as that. Any questions can be directed to the FMA Benefits Member Services team at (888) 211-1734.
Thanks for tuning into our Member Benefit rant! We really feel that it’s important to keep all our Members up to speed on the many benefits you have access to and to make sure you know how to utilize them. They’re there to support you on your upward climb! We’re offering you a foothold, but it’s up to you to take it. We love you, 7k!

7k Unvaulted: Coins and Stories We Love
5 oz USS Arizona:
For the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, 7k Metals presents a Miles Standish designed, triple coin collection honoring the USS Arizona, an American battleship sunken in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The heart-wrenching accounts of men aboard are all we have left to remember the American lives lost that day. Now, you also have a genuine piece of the wood of the deck of that ship to remember them by as well.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 1oz:
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier has served as a memorial since 1932 for the lost, past, and valiant American soldiers. This 1-ounce, Miles Standish-designed, 7k exclusive silver coin showcases the tomb in beautiful detail. Decorated by triple wreaths on the north and south sides to represent six major battles of World War I, the white marble masterpiece is also adorned with an inscription, “Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God."
Steampunk Jetpack 3 oz:
The next in the beloved Steampunk collection is the Steampunk Jet Pack! Showing a scene of the potential future where jet packs are a primary source of transportation, this coin is decorated with allusions to famous sci-fi author Jules Verne's work. The golden jetpack is pictured on a 3 ounce silver coin in steampunk style with fine detail.

There's nothing we like more than showing off our Members who are working hard and stacking assets like a boss. This month, we're proud to be cheering on Karen and Louis Dodd-Waters, who have been with us since October 2020, and their amazing collection of around 100 coins. Congratulations on your stacks Karen and Louis, and keep up the incredible work!
Never in a million years did I ever imagine that I would have a collections of gold and silver like this! 7k has made it SOOO easy!!! - Karen & Louis Dodd-Waters
Got #stacksonstacks?
We want to see 'em!
We love to see our members' coin collections! Whether you're just getting started with numismatics or have literal #stacksonstacksonstacks, we're so excited for you to build your legacy with coins!
We'll keep featuring stacks we see on the 7k Exclusive Facebook group, so keep on sharing for a chance to be featured! Time to show off those #stacksonstacks!