Cyber Monday vault clean out

Cyber Monday vault clean out

7k Metals Dec 2, 2024

It's here! The biggest online shopping day of the year has finally arrived, and boy, have we curated a great list of precious metals for your shopping pleasure.

Cyber Monday coins

Gods of the World – Amaterasu 3-oz silver coin MS69 

Big City Lights – Sydney 1-oz silver coin PF70 

Time Flies – Trade Makes the World Grow black-proof 2-oz silver coin 

Clockwork Evolution – Mechanical Bee 3-oz silver coin PF70 

Fairy Tales & Fables – Red Riding Hood 3-oz silver coin MS70 

Archeology & Symbolism – Tutankhamun's Tomb antiqued 3-oz silver coin MS70 

Big City Lights – New York 1-oz silver coin PF70 

DC Comics – Batman 2-oz silver coin MS70 

Argonauts – Jason and Chiron 2-oz silver coin MS70 


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