August 2021 Vault Report

August 2021 Vault Report

vault report Jul 31, 2021
7k Metals August 2021 Vault Report Inside Cover
7k Metals August 2021 Vault Report Inside Cover
7k Metals August 2021 Vault Report Contents
7k Metals August 2021 Vault Report Contents


2 - Some coins you may have missed!

3 - Co-Founder Message Josh Anderson

5 - Founders Lifestyle Getaway Recap

7 - FLG 2021 Testimonials

11 - #Rankups June 15 - July 15

19 - Salmon River Lodge

7k Metals Coin Drops
7k Metals Coin Drops

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August 2021 7k Vault Report Coins You May Have Missed
August 2021 7k Vault Report Coins You May Have Missed

Here are some coins you may have missed

  • Roman Empire Marcus Aurelius
  • Life of Franklin, The Writer
  • Wild Mongolia Mystic Wolf 1/10oz Gold
  • See more on!

The Mighty River

By 7k Co-Founder Josh Anderson
I have always loved the river. It is the place I go to get away, clear my mind, be free, and enjoy the beauty of creation. The river is my place of inspiration, my place of reflection, and a place of great education for me.

As a young boy, I spent the summers with my grandparents on the majestic Warm River and Henry’s Fork of the Snake River. I would fish countless hours a day, only stopping because my amazing grandma would have prepared breakfast, lunch or dinner. It was there that I dreamt of one day having enough money to own a boat, and to be able to float down the river and fish every single hole, not just the ones I could reach from the rocky bank.

The first time I spoke of being my own boss was to my grandfather when I was just 7 years old. When my grandfather had to go back to work after one of those special nights when we would fish the holes where every fish was feeding on the river, I told him, “I don’t ever want a job if I can’t fish on the good fishing days.”. He liked to tease me about that over the years, but as he watches from heaven now, I like to think that he has to smile down on me when I fish the good days in the middle of the week. I often reflect on how this industry of home-based business has allowed my family the freedom to spend quality time together on the river.

While on the river, I’m often reminded of the millions of drops of water working together to create so much life across such a vast area. I have stood at the head waters of many of the great rivers of America: The Snake, Salmon, Missouri, and The Jefferson. At each location, the streams are no larger then a few feet across-- they are streams or springs and of no significance. They start so small and insignificant, but every drainage they pass on their journey adds a little more and a little more until they are full-blown raging rivers, leaving so much abundance in their wake.

So it is with our great company. As individuals, we are just small drops of water, but each person we share our story with, adds to us, making us better and better until we have created a raging river of greatness.

You really are bringing hope to the hopeless, and significance to the successful.

It is amazing to see the abundance of new hope-filled lives that you all leave in your path.

I hope one day I can spend a few minutes with each of you on the banks of the Salmon or Snake River, and we can teach each other some of the special lessons this life and this company have to offer. I want each of you to find your quiet place of reflection, your personal river, where you can dream about the future and put in place the goals you have in order to make that dream a reality. I can promise every member of 7k that I have thought about you and our great company many hours in my special place in the middle of the river.

I want to say thank you for all you do to make 7k a destination for hopes and dreams to come true.

Founders Lifestyle Getaway Recap
Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021 Recap

Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021

The winners of the Founders Lifestyle Getaway contest spent some quality time with 7k's founders at the Salmon River Lodge this month. What a once-in-a-lifetime experience it was, too!

They spent their days fishing, rafting, relaxing, networking, and getting some one-on-one training. We're so grateful to everyone who came and made FLG 2021 a total blast!

We're already looking forward to next year! Will we see you there?!

Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021 Recap
Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021 Recap
Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021 Recap Tony Hubbard
Founders Lifestyle Getaway 2021 Recap Tony Hubbard

The Founders Lifestyle Getaway for 2021 was by far the best event that 7k has
put together in its young 5 year history.

To be able to wake up every morning excited to have fun riding horses up mountain sides, white water rafting, panning for gold, and playing competitive games with a few of the people that you love and respect is definitely priceless!

There are people who pay tens of thousands to enjoy what we were able to enjoy all because we put in the work to get there!

Next year everyone needs to do whatever it takes to make sure you
are there to spend time with the cofounders, the incredible staff, and all of the entrepreneurs that will be blessed to enjoy what we were able to enjoy for a few days!

Tony Hubbard

The Founders Lifestyle Getaway was such an epic life experience and absolutely the best vacation I've had in a long time. I'm so grateful and very honored to have been a part of this LIFE experience! I think one of the biggest takeaways was the co-founders around the grill upon arriving at the Lodge grilling for us the very best bison filet I've ever eaten.

You don't ever see the owners of other companies, CEO's, their corporate team or families in the trenches serving their members. Lifestyle events like this never happen by owners in this industry because getaway events like this are hired out to third party companies. I did not see that here. I truly felt at home doing the things that they love doing as one big family.

The activities planned were so much fun. I went white water rafting, river boating, played corn hole, and went fly fishing for the first time in my life. I had the best teacher, Josh Anderson, who taught me how to fly fish. I absolutely absorbed his teaching and felt his passion in what he loves doing. Thank you Josh!

I was a total newbie to corn hole, but not to horseshoes since I played growing up on a Ranch on Maui. I swear another day or so at it Kalani & I could have beat Jason and Joey, the tournament champs. Be ready the next time, champs we coming to beat you!

It was great absorbing so many "gold nuggets" from amazing leaders that we met here at FLG. All these service-driven leaders we met were willing to share their knowledge and what they did to grow their 7k businesses. I took good notes for sure. Thank you all.

I'm super grateful to have been in the presence of greatness with our co-founders, corporate staff and everyone that made this possible with the best camping food ever... Huge Mahalo to Mr. & Mrs. Davis, the parents of Zach & Blake, and the entire kitchen team for the delicious meals. It was the BOMB food!

It took so much work to make this happen and I want to mahalo all the staff for your hard work and dedication to making us all feel at home.

I'm super blessed to have some of my amazing team with me on this trip, my sponsor Emily, service-driven leaders Leila, Fran, Kalani, Enola, Mel and Carlos.
Only wishing that more of our team was with us on this trip. To all my team including those at home, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for your hard work, commitment and dedication to your team. Love you all!

We are just getting started!

-Norman Chun

7k Bronze Rankups June - July 2021
7k Bronze Rankups June - July 2021
7k Silver Rankups June - July 2021
7k Silver Rankups June - July 2021
7k Gold Rankups June - July 2021
7k Gold Rankups June - July 2021
August 2021 7k Vault Report Salmon River Lodge
August 2021 7k Vault Report Salmon River Lodge

Salmon River Lodge

Question: would you have joined Lewis and Clark on their journey across North America using ONLY WATERWAYS? Let's be honest, you probably find yourself complaining when the WIFI on the airplane doesn't work, or your data is a little slow on the celly. Ya, us too.

The journey was treacherous, long, and life-threatening on many levels, but there is one part that is super famous called the River of no Return. It earned its name because any boat that started down the famous 200-mile section had no way of getting back because of the steep and rugged canyon walls and roaring stretch of river. The boats that went down were usually torn down and used as lumber. Lewis and Clark wrote, "foaming and roaring through rocks in every direction, so as to render the passage of anything impossible."

Almost 200 years later, the river is still only traversed back upstream by a handful of high-powered boats with skilled captains, but we have found a way to enjoy the beauty without having to journey with, or even like Lewis and Clark. Have you heard of glamping? Ya, it's more like that...

7k is the proud new owner of the iconic Salmon River Lodge that sits at the very beginning of the River of No Return.

It is the ultimate relaxing, floating, fishing, hunting, training, team-building, horseback riding, ax-throwing adventure getaway that you didn't know you needed. A true wilderness retreat that will create experiences and memories that will never fade.

Details on how to book for Summer 2022 are coming soon!

Stack & Sell
Stack & Sell

Stack & Sell

Ever wanted to buy or sell coins from other 7k members, but weren't sure how to do it securely?

Worried about the authenticity of coins you find on ebay and other sites?

Have you ever wished for a place to keep track of your coin collection?

Of course you have!

These are common issues we hear from 7k members all the time.

Here's the great news! We've partnered with a company called Stack & Sell to help solve all those problems and more!

Stack & Sell is a brand new online marketplace built with collectors in mind. It enables members to buy, sell, and catalogue their graded coin collections.

Stack & Sell is currently in open beta testing, so head over to and sign up today.

Get ready to grow your stacks!


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