February 2022 Vault Report

7k Vault Report Cover - February 2022
7k Vault Report February 2022 Table of Contents

Love. Such a little word to encompass so much meaning.

We use the term "love" to mean romantic feelings, the caring of parents for children, a strong liking of some one or some thing. How many times have you said you "love" a song or a food? We'll hear the word love thrown around a lot this month as we approach Valentine's Day.

Here at 7k we regularly express our love for our members. What do we mean by that? We mean that you are of utmost importance to us; we care intensely about you, your families, your hopes and dreams, your lives, and your businesses. We're your biggest cheerleaders!

We believe that love is a verb and is shown through actions more than words. We show our love for our 7k family in all that we do here everyday. And we encourage you to do the same. Love your teams. Love your families. Love your neighbors.

Once Mother Theresa was asked what can be done to promote world peace. Her answer? "Go home and love your families."

Amen to that.


1 - From the Vault: Stories We Love

3 - Wealth Strategies: Why Collectibles?

5 - "A Dream & A Promise" by Josh Anderson

7 - The In Kind Foundation

9 - Rank Advancements

13 - Coin Grading 101

15 - 7kX Convention 2022

19 - Salmon River Lodge

7k Vault Report February 2022 From the Vault

From The Vault

Coins and Stories We Love

We are constantly searching for new and interesting coins with amazing stories! Check out these gems!

2018 Silver Charms - Heart

What's even better than heart shaped jewelry? Take a look at this 3-D, 1 ounce silver heart to be really impressed. As part of the Silver Charms collection this piece pops because of its unique, three dimensional shape and beautiful carvings. A one of a kind gift to yourself or someone you love!

2019 World of Fossils - Starfish

Ocean lovers and seashell collectors, here's your moment to snatch up a treasure of the sea! A beautiful, pop-off-the-coin starfish minted out of copper-plated silver is a new addition to the "World of Fossils" collection. It's estimated that starfish have been around for 450 million years. That's a long time to stick around, so if any species deserves to be forever captured on a 2 ounce silver coin, the starfish does!

Carnival of Venice - VENETIAN MASK II

This exclusive 2 ounce silver coin calls out an event that's been taking place in Venice, Italy since 1296: the Venetian Mask Carnival, or the Carnevale di Venezia! Originally begun to "mask" status and allow people to mingle freely, the festival continues to bring people together in a wild, colorful, weeks long festival that entertains some 3 million people annually. Notice the small gold-plated mask insert, representing the typical mask seen during the festival!

2015 Beautiful Wildlife - Bear

A new collection, "Beautiful Wildlife" premieres with the ultimate apex predator: the bear! On your brand new, one ounce silver coin you'll see two peaceful grizzlies are featured in high-resolution color, hunting for fish at the mouth of a waterfall. Nature's a beauty, isn't she? So is your new treasure! Fun fact: Bears are smart! They've been known to roll rocks onto traps meant for them so they can eat the bait!

7k Vault Report February 2022 Wealth Strategies Deep Dive: Why Collectibles

7k Wealth Strategies Deep Dive

Why Collectibles?

Last month we covered why non-collectible gold and silver can play an excellent defensive role in your wealth strategy. We know that there has never been a championship team that ONLY won on defense, so let's look at a possible offensive gold and silver strategy.

When we say offense, we mean a possible way for you to not only win the financial game you decide to play, but possibly win it faster.

Sitting around and waiting for gold and silver to go up in "market value" isn't necessarily a bad thing, but has left many people disenchanted over the years with its steady-as-she-goes increase in market value.

If you are looking for something a little more exciting with a better track record of having some faster results in the market, don't discount what collectibles can do for you.

The collectible market as a whole has a long history of success, and even more so these days. With the rise of novelties, more art, more wealth, the introduction of digital collections, and several more factors, collectibles are more mainstream than ever before.

When it comes to collectibles, their value doesn't necessarily come from the material from which they are made; it comes from the rarity, story, uniqueness, creativity, other additional production work or intellectual property, and ultimately the demand people have to own that thing.

Although owning collectibles isn't a sure thing, there are definite advantages to choosing certain types of collectibles. For us, owning collectible coins is one of the safest ways to get into the game.

Think about it, if you have a "collectible" made of paper or as a digital asset, if the collectible value diminishes or goes away altogether, the overall value goes to basically nothing. The same would apply to traditional artwork, shoes, and many other collectibles.

Collectible gold and silver are different. First of all, history has proven that continued value in collectible type coins made of gold and silver has been reasonably consistent. Even if you set aside that fact, the very fact that you have a collectible made of a precious metal gives added security that the chances of that piece ever going to "0" in value are VERY LOW.

Although most collectible coins have proven to go up in their overall collectible value over time, even if certain ones don't, history says there is a high chance that gold and silver will never lose their value in the market.

Now, we just walked through a worst-case scenario of a coin losing its collectible value, but let's take a look at the exciting and more likely outcome of owning collectibles when it comes to the possibilities of increasing value.

We highlight a few coins that have done very well in the market as collectibles in the brand new Wealth Strategies, but let's look at a few more:

2020 Majestic Eagle 2 oz Black Proof
Original Retail: $280-$360 Current Value: $450-$650

2015 Evolution of Life Ammonite 1 oz
Original Retail: $140-$230 Current Value: $900-$1,400

2015 Magnificent Life Peacock 1 oz
Original Retail: $115-$150
Current Value: $650-$900

2018 Big Five Elephant Gold Note 1 Gram
Original Retail: $90-$140
Current Value: $300-$350

2020 The White House by MS 1 oz
Original Retail: $220
Current Value: $330-450

2019 Idaho State Label Silver Eagle (AutoSaver)
Original Retail: $95
Current Value: $220-$250

2021 An American Life Ben Franklin: Founder
Original Retail: $120
Current Value: $170-$200

These are some great examples of what can happen with modern collectible coins--and we could share many more! That said, remember that no coin is guaranteed to have a certain result. We believe in playing the game with a mindset of longevity and legacy and only capitalizing on the value of collectible gold and silver when necessary to further your financial strategy. And if you are getting discouraged because certain coins in your stack aren't demanding the values you hope or expect right now, don't get discouraged and remember the deeper meanings of why you are stacking. Not every play in a football game is perfect, not every flower planted in the garden will grow, not every steak is tender, and not every coin will be a home run. The sum of the effort and the sound nature of the strategy will generally breed success for most things in life--adding a dose of patience in the collectible world isn't a bad idea either.

There can be some very nice offensive-type advantages to playing in collectible gold and silver space. Still, it really is a way to have tons of fun, connect with people, and ultimately leave something of value to future generations in the form of memories, the collectibles themselves, and the stories that go with them.

*product disclosure
All values used in this article were pulled from general market research using various points of sale across the world in January 2022.

7k Vault Report February 2022 Message from Josh Anderson


I love the start of a new year. I love stopping to see what ideas worked, which ones need adjusting, and which ones were duds. I love the hope and excitement of a new set of challenges and promise of greatness for a new year.

For the last 22 years, I have taken a serious amount of time at the start of each new year to review the past 12 months and set goals for the next 12 months, with a deep reflection on what makes goal setting so powerful.

I don’t completely understand how it works, but for me, each year that I have gone through the process I’m about to share, I have experienced what some would call miracles in business and personal life. I just call them a dream and a promise.

It was 14 years ago that Roger Ball shared with me his definition of a goal. He said, "A goal is both a dream AND a promise.”

Those very words completely changed my perspective. I soon realized that I was making a DREAM with the universe every time I set a goal, and a PROMISE to myself and everyone I shared the goal with, to accomplish said dream.

I have made these dreams and promises for my businesses, my family, my personal life and even my hobbies. They come true with over a 95% success rate in every area of life.

The real secret is this : Once you have set a goal (or made the dream and promise), then you have to work that very goal backwards so it can become reality.

For example, if you set a goal to make an extra $2,000 each month till the end of the year, then you would need to work the goal backwards in order to see the steps you need to take.

If you work the goal backwards, you'll see that you need 25 members on the coin of the month each week on each sales team. By the end of the year, that is a total of 100 people on the auto-saver on each team. That means if your team can grow each month by only 8 new people on each side from your efforts, then you have set up a business that will pay you $500.00 a week or $2,000.00 a month—off just coins! That means each sales team needs to grow by 2 people a week to make that goal “Dream and Promise” a reality.

Now, it is completely up to you to make sure that happens every week, no matter what. Remember that you want the end result of $2,000 a month by the end of the year. Never compromise once you have worked the goal backwards; make it reality.

Once you work it backwards and understand the steps you will find that reaching your goals becomes simple. You will find that your whole life begins to win, once you work them backwards and you find the short-term success on the way to your long-term dreams.

The other real secret is you have to share your goals with an accountability partner-- don’t fear sharing them! Tell those close to you, those working with you, and you'll find people who will cheer you on and hold you accountable. We were not meant to be successful all by ourselves. Rather, we were designed to be successful in families, teams, and partnerships. Work with them and take them with you on the journey.

I will share with you one of the goals we set this year as a business so we are accountable to you: 7k will be the #1 customer by volume of graded coins with NGC in 2022.

I look forward to sharing with you the results, and I promise we have worked it backwards and know exactly how much we have to grow each week to make it a reality. With all of your help we will make this DREAM and PROMISE a reality.

We Believe in YOU!

Josh Anderson
Co-Founder and Managing Board Member

7k and In Kind Foundation

in kind Foundation

In early December, we announced an initiative that is very important to us as 7k. If you haven't noticed already, the threads of service, giving, and lending a helping hand to the known and unknown run deep, starting with the 7k Founders and continuing through the 7k Corporate and You, the members of 7k.

in kind is a new foundation that has officially been formed to help ALL of the charitable initiatives that are important to us. An official foundation now makes it possible to work in many different ways with other organizations and do it cleanly and clearly.

So what does In kind mean? There are different definitions, but two helped shape the foundation's name.

"in the same way; with something similar."
"paid or given in goods, commodities, or services instead of money."

Basically, it means that pay something back in the same way or similar intent it was initially offered or to pay for something in something other than money.

Both definitions fit the principles of what In kind will stand on as a foundation.

Sometimes the best way to give is with whatever you have, which may not be money. Maybe it's time; maybe it's something you are good at making; perhaps it's knowledge, and so on. The point is, giving in whatever way possible is the important thing. In Kind, with your help, is starting a massive wave of good that will continue to ripple throughout the world.

Yes, there will be opportunities to help with financial donations, but there will be many more ways to help as we do good worldwide.

For 7k, instead of donating specifically money to in kind, it will cover all of the administrative needs at no charge, so that 100% of every dollar, good, service, etc., will end up how it is fully intended.

We know that giving is a necessary part of success because success isn't just about money; it's more about significance and purpose. Being a part of a mission bigger than you is one of the only ways to find true success.

So, until we have more updates on what is next and how you can be a part of the mission of In Kind, we want to challenge you to start giving now however you can!

Let's use the entire month of February to LOVE by serving in our communities. Go help in the local soup kitchen, find a neighbor in need, clean up the local park, pay for someone's groceries, or pay attention to the needs that come up around you as you go about your day and make a commitment to make a difference by filling those needs. Ultimately, you will know precisely what you can do to help lift others around you if you pay attention.

We can't wait to see the difference YOU can make this month--tell us what you are doing to help by posting in the 7k Exclusive Facebook group so we can all cheer each other on!

Stay tuned to see what's next for in kind!

7k Associate Rankups
7k Rankups

coin grading explained

Coin Grading 101

Remember how a few months ago we wrote an article about the anatomy of a coin? Now we want to take the lesson a bit further and discuss COIN GRADING.

Currently the two official coin grading organizations are Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) and Numismatic Guaranty Company (NGC).

Coin grading experts at these companies use high powered magnifiers to closely inspect each coin, assigning it a grade. Since we here at 7k usually deal with coins directly from the Mint, we'll start by explaining the MINT STATE (or MS) designation.

MS70 refers to a coin that is still in it's MINT STATE, having never been circulated and appears absolutely flawless at a magnification of 5 times. A PROOF (or reflectively shiny) finish coin will receive a PF70 designation for the same level of perfection.

MS69 or PF69 refers to a MINT STATE or PROOF coin that, according to NGC is "a fully struck coin with nearly imperceptible imperfections."

Coins with grades less than 69 have varying levels of imperfection and/or wear. See NGC Coin Grading Scale | About Coin Grades | NGC for descriptions of all the various grades a coin can receive.

Once a coin is graded, it is encapsulated in a hard plastic coin holder designed to preserve and protect the coin, as well as providing security features to detect tampering. NGC or PCGS will also number, label and barcode each encapsulated coin for tracking and identification in their database. This ensures that the coin inside is authentic and one of a limited number of like coins.

Of course, there is so much more to discuss when it comes to Coin Grading. (If you find yourself interested, check out NGC and PCGS's websites for more information!) Coin Grading | Numismatic Guaranty Company | NGC and PCGS to learn much more about the COIN GRADING industry.

7k Experience 2022
7k experience in Las Vegas

7k experience

Our First National Convention

What happens in Vegas...

We know you have heard the tagline, but it won't be like that this time. You will want to share EVERYTHING!

7k is crashing Vegas May 1st-May 4th, and what we do in Vegas won't be meant to stay there. We will be partying, yes. It will be the kind of party you could tell your kids about, though.

We will be starting with a one-of-a-kind welcome reception Sunday night. With plenty of food, drinks, and great company, it will be the perfect start to the week!

Monday will be the official start of the FIRST 7k NATIONAL CONVENTION! What will follow will be three days of incredible announcements, team-building, and fun--but even more important will be the break-out sessions. This will be one of the first 7k events where you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the top field leaders, Executive Team, Founders, and other industry experts to help you get where you want to go.

After finishing the three days of training, we will celebrate with an awards show gala where we will honor your #rankups over incredible food and in style.

With the incredible negotiated rate for the hotel at the Bally's (no resort fees!), the crazy low event pricing, and now the easy pay-as-you-go option, we can't see many reasons why you shouldn't join us!

Check out the payment options and event schedule, and grab your tickets and hotel ASAP!

Convention & Lunches

Standard Admission - May 2022

Lightning Event pricing for Standard Admission to the Las Vegas, NV 7k Convention on May 2nd - 4th 2022. This includes 3 jam-packed days. This will be unlike any other event in 7k history! Featuring break-out sessions for the first time, delivering focused training along with key-note speakers, team lunches, and incredible entertainment in beautiful Las Vegas--this first-ever convention will help you get where you want to go! Standard Admission tickets will include lunch meals on May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

FEB 28th - $259.00
MAR 31st - $279.00
APR 30th - $299.00

Check out the financing options available to you for event tickets.

Convention, Lunches & Reception

Welcome Reception and Standard Admission - May 2022

Lightning Event pricing for our Welcome Reception and Standard Admission to the Las Vegas, NV 7k Convention on May 1st - 4th 2022. This includes admission to the Welcome Reception that will be held in the evening of May 1st, where you will you be able to rub shoulders with team members and corporate staff, and have a blast getting pumped for the main event. Plus--you get the FULL convention experience... Welcome Reception and Standard Admission tickets will include lunch meals on May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.

FEB 28th - $289.00
MAR 31st - $309.00
APR 30th - $329.00

Check out the financing options available to you for event tickets.

Get The Full Package

Welcome Reception, Standard Admission, and Gala Dinner - May 2022

Lightning Event pricing for our ALL-IN package to the Las Vegas, NV 7k Convention on May 1st - 4th 2022. ALL IN! That's the motto we live by. The 2022 7k Convention is no different. To have full access to all sessions, receptions, and the gala dinner we have the ultimate ALL-IN package. This includes admission to the Welcome Reception that will be held in the evening of May 1st, where you will you be able to rub shoulders with team members and corporate staff, and have a blast getting pumped for the main event. Plus--the FULL convention experience... To top it all off, you will be included in the exclusive 7k Gala Dinner on the evening of May 4th where we will celebrate your #rankups in style! ALL-IN tickets will include lunch meals on May 2nd and 3rd and will include a lunch and dinner on May 4th.

FEB 28th - $339.00
MAR 31st - $359.00
APR 30th - $379.00

Check out the financing options available to you for event tickets.




Welcome Reception
Time: TBD


Time: 9am -12pm

General Session 1
Time: 1-4



General Session 2
Time: 9am-12pm

Breakout Session
Time: 2-5pm



General Session 3
Time: 9am -12pm


Time: 2-5pm

Time: 7-10pm

Salmon River Lodge

Salmon River Lodge Now Booking!

Deep in the heart of the Frank Church Wilderness, resting along the Salmon River, or "river of no return" as it is rightly nicknamed, lies an iconic lodge that a tiny percentage of people will ever get the privilege of visiting.

The lodge sits at the beginning of the 81 mile stretch of river that runs along the bottom of the second deepest canyon in the United States, even deeper than the Grand Canyon! The only way to access that stretch of river is by raft or jetboat. It has no car access, no roads, and not much in between other than incredible river beaches, wildlife, and an abundance of starry nights that will leave you breathless.

Rafting on the Salmon River is a memory that will never fade, especially when you do it with people you enjoy. Doing it safely with a guide that navigates the river for you, helps you set up your gear each night, and cooks your meals to make it a hands-off vacation is a must!

But what if you don't want to go all the way down the 81 mile stretch on a raft? Don't worry; other trip options will allow you to raft and be brought back to the lodge for a cozy night's stay on a resort-quality mattress.

If you only want to dabble in river rafting, again, don't stress; there are plenty more things to fill your time and memory bank while you visit the lodge. From guided horseback rides, multiple-night pack trips in the mountains to guided bear hunts and jet boat rides given by one of few professionals left that can navigate the river successfully, the Salmon River Lodge has something to experience that you will enjoy and never forget.

If that wasn't enough, make sure to show up hungry! The length of your stay, whether at the lodge, on the river, or in the mountains, will be filled with meals that will remind you of your momma's cooking (unless she was a lousy cook) that won't disappoint.

The Salmon River Lodge is one of the most preserved iconic western destinations where you can genuinely go to experience nature, disconnect from the busy lives we tend to keep, and reconnect with yourself and the loved ones you bring along--all with a touch of luxury of course. But remember, even many who want to will never experience what the lodge offers because of the extremely high demand and the limited number of government permits allowed for rafting, hunting, etc.

This is where your 7k member benefits kick in! As a 7k member, we are offering you first access to book trips at the Salmon River Lodge before opening up to the general public, who is eagerly waiting.

We aren't only giving you first access, but we are giving you a discount also!

Scan the QR code or go to www.salmonriverlodge.com to check out the available packages, dates, and pricing for your adventure! You can also find it on your savings and travel app 7k Advantage!

"Membership has its advantages--and this one is HUGE!"

7k Metals Vault Reports
7k Metals Vault Reports - newsletter includes news, events, contests, coin drops, rankups and industry info about precious metals, gold & silver coins.
See past and current editions of the Vault Report