Be The Flame by Josh Anderson

Be The Flame by Josh Anderson

josh anderson Jan 1, 2023

A Flame brightens paths; it is a beacon of hope for travelers in the dark who have lost their way or haven’t chosen a direction.

A Flame heats the cold hands and feet of the weary who pause to build up the strength to continue.

A Flame doesn't care who it helps…it only wants to be useful to those in need of its help. It doesn’t beg for attention, it naturally commands respect simply through its existence and presence. Not because it is feared, but because it is inspiring.

A Flame in the sunshine doesn’t cast a shadow but burns just as bright…like the values of integrity and honor.

The world we live in now needs more Flames and less Sparklers…they come in hot and strong, but they always fizzle out!

We have spent the last six years building a great company together, where people can build a defense against the rising inflation and economic challenges that face so many families worldwide.

We are so grateful for all the wonderful 7k Flames who have brightened someone's path, warmed their soul with new found hope, and illuminated their futures with sound money principals.

As one year closes and another opens, We feel an overwhelming desire to spread that flame to the tens of thousands of families who are really going to need it in 2023. People need our vision, message, and company, now more than ever before. We hope you feel a responsibility with us to lighten the world with our message of hope and prosperity this coming year.

Last summer I watched as the largest forest fire in the United States raged all around our beloved Salmon River Lodge. Each day it spread 10 to 30 miles in every direction; the flames burned every mountain, valley, meadow, and creek bottom for hundreds of miles. Those flames had no respect for the nature they devoured…they spread everywhere. When the September snow began to fall and the flames were all put out, everyone in the area could see only the destruction and blackened mountains.

7k founder josh anderson be the flame article
Salmon, Idaho Wildfire 2022

Fast forward to mid-November. We were getting the horse and boats taken home for the year and closing the lodge when I witnessed the most amazing thing. Those blackened and scarred mountains, valleys, meadows, and creek bottoms were all green with new vegetation. In all my life, I have never seen green mountains in November in that area, but the flames of the fire had created new life, new opportunities for growth, and a blank canvas waiting to be painted.

As I sat on the banks of the river in wonder, I thought about the challenges in the world today and the struggles that so many people are going through. Then I thought of the thousands of wonderful success stories of one 7k Member who shared their Flame of Hope with someone else who was willing to listen and recognize that 7k could be a solution to creating the opportunity for something new in their lives. New hope, new opportunities, new friendships, new purpose, new inspiration, and a new desire to be a Flame to the next person. Looking at those green November mountains, I was re-energized to help share our mission around the world and to be a 7k Flame; to spread our mission to every family willing to listen and learn.

As you set your goals for a new year, we hope you decide to be a 7k Flame with us and help us spread an all-encompassing wildfire of opportunity in 2023!

Be the Flame!

-- Josh Anderson


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